Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Thing # 15

I 'm glad that libraries are using Web 2.0 to expand their services and to create a more user friendly environment. It's nice to see that different integrated library systems are using web 2.0 technology, like the use of rss feeds, tags, and other user created metadata.

I identified with the article on better bibliographic services. I think that this is a great way to use web 2.0 technology in libraries. A library 2.0 catalog could link you to articles in the library's databases, user reviews, user created tags, and provide rss feeds for new books on the subject. Additionally, by using the concept of FRBR in OPACs users are able to find more books and sources since they are linked and grouped together in a more logical way. For instance, OCLC has a prototype catalog using FRBR called Fiction Finder. It's located here: It functions as a catalog and as a reader's advisory tool. You can search by characters, settings, genres, literary forms, and much more. It has much more bibliographic information than a normal catalog, and it links and groups similar books together in a more user friendly structure.

Even though library 2.0 encompasses much more than just improving bibliographic access methods, for me this is the most interesting element of library 2.0.

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